Like every other class in Diablo 4. the Barbarian naturally has D2R Items limits in balancing. The primary limitations in the Barbarian class lies in the necessity to attack enemies from a very close distance.
The Barbarian being essentially reliant on close-quarters melee combat, lengthy battles against more powerful enemies can result in significant levels of damage to the Barbarian in a group, and just increasing the chances of an abrupt drop in health. In higher levels players could end up having to invest heavily within defense when playing as Barbarians. Barbarian and diverting their focus from other crucial aspects of a character's design such as Strength.
Another issue inherent to the Barbarian class stems from the wide-spreading, powerful nature of the class' abilities. In order to compensate for the potential for damage that is high with the Barbarian's abilities, many of the abilities have unusually lengthy cooldown times. Together with the need to fight close, it's common for Barbarians to find themselves quickly overwhelmed by an unexpected huge number of enemies, after using their skills, and the resulting cooldowns make Barbarians less effective. Barbarians are not the most powerful class. Barbarian is definitely a viable class to utilize in Diablo 4. but one with a clear risk-to-reward and high-reward aspect that can determine a group's capability.
As players progress through Diablo 4's story and complete the various tasks They will earn a number of levels. Characters will not go up to a higher level for a long time, however, as there is a limit to the levels players can reach in Diablo 4. This guide is here to buy diablo II resurrected items explain what the max level is and includes details on how to achieve it efficiently, as well as a selection of the content made available when players reach it.